Thursday, August 6, 2009

MMMM Spaghetti Night!

So the other night was spaghetti night, one of my personal favorites! From the looks of it, one of Emma's too! She usually whines, talks, points, etc., during dinner but not on spaghetti she just shovels in the food! -lol:) Here is my recipe for last nights spaghetti:

1 jar of Newman's own natural marinara sauce
1/4 cup onion and 1/2 tsp garlic sauteed
1/2 cup steamed frozen spinach (but you could you sauteed fresh too)
Seasoning all to taste- basil, oregano, salt and pepper
4oz cubed cream cheese
3/4-1 cup cooked cubed chicken

1st I sauteed the onion and garlic and then I added the jar of pasta sauce to the pot. Next I threw in the seasonings, after that I added the sauteed spinach and let that simmer until it was pretty hot. Then I added the cubed cream cheese and mixed until well blended. Lastly I added the cubed chicken and let it simmer for about 1/2 an hour.

Just a little something different then the average spaghetti and meat sauce! If you try it let me know what you think! enjoy:)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Grandpa visits and water fun!!!

My Dad and his girlfriend Teri have been in town visiting this last week and we have had so much fun! Emma is becoming quite the fish these days! she loves loves loves the water!

On Saturday we went into boston and were walking in boston commons when we came across the Frog Pond. In the summer it's a big pool of water that's about shin deep. We took emma in and she had a blast splashing around.

On Tuesday we headed for the ocean for the 1st time, we went to ocean beach in New London, Ct. Very nice beach, with a boardwalk, rides, playground, mini golf, and a water park. Lots of fun for little ones! My dad took emma into the ocean and while it was freezing- she loved it! We also went to a little area that had fountains of water spraying up from the ground and Emma was in heaven! she would run up to the water and put her hands in it and then giggle and run to the next one- too cute!

What a fun visit we have had with my Dad and Teri!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Emma turns one!

I am starting my blog which will mostly be about my daughter Emma Grace, who is one year one day old! More about that later, anyway it will also about my life as a stay at home mom, my attempts at crafts, cooking, coupons, and cleaning!

Back to sweet Emma, she is officially a toddler today no more baby:( i can't believe how fast this last year has gone by! They change so much in that first year. I am so thankful that i got to be a stay at home mom and witness all of her firsts - rolling, crawling, walking, talking! It has truly been a blessing. :) She is so fun right now too! She loves our cat Lily- she will crack up even if the cat just walks by-too cute! she also LOVES dancing. Anytime she hears music weather it be me singing, a song on the radio or even a commercial on t.v. she busts out in a dance! Her other favorite game is peek-a-boo! She loves her books and will just sit and flip through them. I am so looking forward to this next year as she grows and learns even more! well hope you enjoy my new blog:)